Sunday, May 24, 2015

new books

I have published a new book in English last year and it's translation into Italian a few months ago, in pdf for free download. for English, for Italian.


Marian Farago said...

the Italian version of my third publication is now available in book form from

Julie said...

Ora ho aperto una pagina facebook per raccogliere la Mia Trilogia, e continuo le mie ricerche con le vecchie lettere da Ungheria agli USA degli anni '40 e '50 trovate di recente dalla mia cugina Shelley, ancora da tradurre da me. Scopriremo dei segreti?
Now I have opened a facebook page to group My Trilogy, and I'm continuing my research with the old letters from Hungary to the USA in the 40's and 50's, recently found by my cousing Shelley, still to be translated by me. Will we find some secrets?